In order to disable Offline Storage, please follow the steps outlined below:
- On your dashboard, please slide the switch under ‘Offline Storage’ to the left to start the process.
- Enter your password. If you forgot your password, please select ‘I forgot my password’ and follow the recovery steps.
- On the next screen, please enter the verification code that was sent to the email address associated with your account. Please ensure that you check your spam folder. If you are unable to locate the email containing the verification code, please click on ‘Resend verification code’. A new email containing the verification code will be sent to your email.
- Please click on the ‘Confirm’ button to deactivate your Offline Storage.
In order to enable Offline Storage, please slide the switch to the right and click on ‘Confirm’.
Confirm Offline Storage deactivation in a Multisig Account
When using a Multisig Account, a second confirmation is required to confirm the deactivation of offline storage. The co-signers will receive a notification regarding the deactivation request through an email and in-app message on their dashboard. Please note that the co-signers have a maximum of 24 hours to confirm the deactivation, after which a new request will have to be initiated. Please follow the steps outlined below to confirm the request to deactivate offline storage:
- Please click on ‘Confirm deactivation’ in the email you received.
- On the next screen, please click on ‘Continue’.
- Please click on ‘Sign’ to proceed with the signing of the deactivation request.
- Now, please enter your password.
- On the next screen, please enter the verification code that was sent to the email address associated with your account. Please ensure that you check your spam folder. If you are unable to locate the email containing the verification code, please click on ‘Resend verification code’. A new email containing the verification code will be sent to your email.
- Please click on the ‘Confirm’ button to deactivate your Offline Storage.